Supplementary Requirements
Fill in the registration form before your visit, under the link below on the left-hand side
- For those in the posession of a Categorie-B foreign ID card, a ''Waffenerwerbschein'' or an ''Ausnahmbewilligung'' is required as a criminal record copy will not suffice.
-For those in the posession of a foreign Identity card are bound to Art. 9a WG.
-A ''Waffenerwerbschein'' (not older than two years) can be supplemented for a criminal backround copy
-Citizens of countries that fall under Art. 12 WV are the following: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Albania
-The criminal record will not be accepted if there are entries under violent, public endangerment or other similar offenses that could question the safety of firearm laws and handling (including offenses against explosives, weapons, drugs or driving under the influence). Repeated crimial offenses or entries will not be accepted.
-Supplementary information on rules and regualtions of Lakeside Shooting can be found under the link below.